

Managing Virtual Machines with Proxmox

Most of our VMs are provisioned with Ansible but sometimes we need to create VMs manually for testing or without automation.

Process of creating and deleting VM videos can accessed in our shared drive

To create VMs manually follow these steps (the steps below will need to be done over VPN):

Select a VM ID, IP address, and DNS name

  1. For the VM you want to create, decide which is the primary category by looking at this table of VM ID categories. Then choose a new VM ID for your VM by incrementing the last VM ID in that category. You can look at this table for current VM ID usage.

  2. Fill out interface(s) IP allocations

  3. Make a name for internal DNS if needed example in Internal DNS table

Reserve DNS name using pfSense

  1. Log in to pfSense web dashboard here. Username admin, password is in Bitwarden
  2. Add DNS hostname to pfSense's DNS resolver Host Overrides under Services->DNS Resolver here
  3. With the example Host will be service Parent domain of host will be IP to return for host will be the LAN IPv4 and or IPv6. If dualstack use , for comma-separated addresses,2001:470:b1f3:1::9

Create a VM using Proxmox

  1. To create the VM go login to KVM1 Proxmox host here using username root with the password in Bitwarden
  2. Select a template to clone in the Datacenter sidebar under 9XXX
  3. Click on More on the top right corner and select Clone
  4. VMID is the VMID you noted above
  5. Mode must be Full Clone
  6. Choose Target Storage depending where you want the VM to be running from.
    • local: SSD
    • local-hdds: Spinning drives
  7. Name should be the public FQDN or * domain for local access only VMs.
  8. Format should be qcow2 (default)
  9. Press clone, once finished we can set hardware
  10. Select the VM ID in the Datacenter sidebar and click on Hardware
  11. Modify the memory, number of processors and increase diskspace as needed.
    • Recommended numbers
      • memory: 1024MB
      • CPU: 1 socket, 2 cores
      • HDD space: 20GB
  12. Make sure the Network Device is set to the right bridge ex. vmbr2
  13. In the VM sidebar click on Cloud-init and enter the following fields
    • User: sysadmin (unless otherwise specified)
    • Password: leave as none
    • DNS domain or depending on internal or not
    • DNS servers,
    • SSH public key ssh-rsa AAAAB3NzaC1yc2EAAAADAQABAAACAQC6sAx5vRrYc7ULhx39tKS5R9hK48QqTIhUGMbk/Y0ScSTUiUj0LYWbOV5FMwTe+UvsXyEfHeRfcl+p9+wykdpiDy5UiClqs1GjfbXhgeoasm1oozQQ0PhhdWcWOgkkHqS6t4G003DDEW0VY+aF8J8fsp/Wgv1Qz5KNCz4Hk0DhFqWa+fVNmpNyvu9ZIrK7WEm/2ByCTIbzale8SBx5ZihhFE8ygv5leLEpciuNJUe00w8pFAItjIMhdb2ocs3wmrvus38/LsrhmQFHzbQPusGiorCJzAqgiKwk0bBNqkYJJxj7DY+B6MP/wdhZI/KwTn44WaWTSKbsVTdko5bzLlSN1Epl31WyLuarvD/INctwqWBqvVYvy8WgRlzdxkz86+CkyVTFbXPuQtung/yhnVXBkUPhmeirVdnUBD6FxRBVdnJ0wKgxAS3/5G1nbhEJUa7SD/I6T+pY2oQ66q6JpfCIbqI/Wz/8xlb7zcB3n7ohB9uxQs3H6aJfKsAgk5exlB8fyOjl+Amox5BRq1IUzfFvp55/64pvQItd17Ql3m3J/rv7ib6D16TPBFq4h9st0KPVNZC5YSxHIJ9SUxHhcObyJ36s9ZUIiNcWbpuwMAe2SlKP2dPr52ddm2xgBCPgKI6Md8HHdIxEMUCMDUZF1/bZ83qbFxlMzm2fkPKrWrA09w== sysadmin@ansible1
    • IP Config (net0) or more if other interfaces exists on the VM we are using and 2001:470:b1f3:1::9 on vmbr2 for the below example
      • IPv4
        • IPv4: Static
        • IPv4/CIDR:
        • Gateway (IPv4):
      • IPv6
        • Ipv6: Static
        • IPv6/CIDR: 2001:470:b1f3:1::9/64
        • Gateway (IPv6): 2001:470:b1f3:1::1
  14. If you want the VM to boot up when the host machine restarts go to the VM Options sidebar and doubleclick on Start at boot and check the checkbox
  15. Now we can start the VM and SSH to it using Ansible VM once it is booted up.

OVH Hosting

We host our virtual machines on a dedicated server rented from OVH in Beauharnois. The anniversary date is May 22.

Dedicated server specs as follows

  • Processor: Intel Xeon E5-1650v4
  • RAM: 64GB ECC 2133MHz
  • Primary disk: 2x450 GB SSD NVMe (Raid 1)
  • Secondary disk: 2x2TB GB HDD (Raid 1)

Setting up OVH backup space

Once the server is first ordered Backup storage needs to be enabled from the OVH panel and then we configure Proxmox to auto mount at boot.

Enabling the backup space

  1. Log onto OVH panel using password stored in our BitWarden
  2. Go to the tab of the server in the side panel
  3. Click on Backup storage
  4. Then enable the storage space with Samba access

Setting up encrypted backup space on Proxmox

This encrypted mount is used to do block-level backups of all virtual machines on ProxMox. On the OVH backup storage panel note down Name and ID as we need to add it to fstab to auto mount.

  1. Add a mount to /etc/fstab //<name>/ID /media/ovh-backup/ cifs vers=1.0,sec=ntlm,uid=root,gid=100,dir_mode=0700,username=root,password= 0 0
  2. Install gocryptfs apt install gocryptfs
  3. Make backup directory mkdir /media/ovh-backup/
  4. Init the directory gocryptfs -init /media/ovh-backup/

Make a strong password! Write down the master key and store it safely inside our Bitwarden!

Your master key is:


If the gocryptfs.conf file becomes corrupted or you ever forget your password,
there is only one hope for recovery: The master key. Print it to a piece of
paper and store it in a drawer. This message is only printed once.

The gocryptfs filesystem has been created successfully.
  1. Mount the directory

    • mkdir /mnt/pve/ovh-backup-gocryptfs
    • chattr +i /mnt/pve/ovh-backup-gocryptfs
    • gocryptfs /media/ovh-backup/ /mnt/pve/ovh-backup-gocryptfs/
  2. Add storage in Proxmox UI go to:

    • Datacenter -> Storage
    • ID: ovh-backup-gocryptfs
    • Directory: /mnt/pve/ovh-backup-gocryptfs/
    • Content: VZDump backup file
    • Nodes: kvm1
    • Enable: :white_check_mark:
    • Shared: :white_large_square:
    • Max Backups: 7
  3. Auto mount at boot

    • Store the password to /etc/gocryptfs/key and chmod 600 /etc/gocryptfs/key
    • Add this line to fstab gocryptfs#/media/ovh-backup/ /mnt/pve/ovh-backup-gocryptfs/ fuse allow_other,quiet,passfile=/etc/gocryptfs/key 0 0

Backup and Restore

Proxmox VMs

Proxmox is currently setup to backup all virtual machines on the physical host by default. This includes production and staging.

The backup occurs daily at 2:00am EST. The virtual machines continue to operate durring this process.

Restore Proxmox Backup

Make sure the gocryptfs mount is mounted and configured in ProxMox

  • Login to Proxmox Web UI
  • Scroll down to ovh-backup-gocryptfs on the left panel
  • Select Content on the next panel to the right
  • Select VM to restore on the right
  • Click the Restore button at the top
  • Click Restore

FreeNAS Dynamic Content

Every hour, the content of the FreeNAS datastore holding dynamic content for the vms is backed up to a server in Toronto maintained by @ASoTNetworks.

To access the ZFS offsite backup snapshots SSH to on port 10025 with username sysadmin

ssh -p 10025

Staging snapshots are stored in /media/

Production snapshots are stored in /media/

Directories are named auto-YYYY-MM-DD_HH-mm


General Notes

Create vault for vars

ansible-vault encrypt_string --ask-vault-pass --stdin-name 'api_password'

Running playbook with vault

ansible-playbook --ask-vault-pass deploy-nginx-reverse-proxy.yml

Deploy with staging vars

ansible-playbook -i inventory_staging --ask-vault-pass deploy-nginx-reverse-proxy.yml --extra-vars "staging_env=true"


Deployment occurs through the Ansible Deployment vm The Github repo used is

Deploying web1 (main reverse proxy)

cd nginx-reverse-proxy ansible-playbook --ask-vault-pass deploy-nginx-reverse-proxy.yml

Deploying bw1 (backend webserver 1)

cd deploy-hypha-sites ansible-playbook --ask-vault-pass deploy-server-bw1.yml

Deploy Mailman (no staging option)

ansible-playbook -i inventory deploy-mailman.yml --ask-vault-pass

Deploy Loomio (no staging option)

ansible-playbook -i inventory deploy-loomio.yml --ask-vault-pass

Ansible Deployment Machine

Setup SSH Agent at login

Append following to ~/.bashrc

if [ -z "$SSH_AUTH_SOCK" -a -x "$SSHAGENT" ]; then
    trap "kill $SSH_AGENT_PID" 0

Run ssh-add then enter SSH key to remember for the session



  • Production (only Infrastructure WG by default)
    • pfSense
    • FreeNAS
    • will be renamed to :heavy_check_mark:
  • Staging (all members)
    • will be renamed to ansible1.hypha.stg :heavy_check_mark:
  • A user cannot move to ansible1 from a session at another VM since the sysadmin private key only exists on ansible1
  • A user also cannot move from one VM to another for the same reason, and iptables is locked to just allow ansible1 to SSH in
  • In order to gain entry to a particular VM via our internal network, an attacker has to:
    1. Get our VPN credentials
    2. Get a hold of a personal SSH private key authorized on ansible1
    3. Get our shared unlock password
  • [TODO] VMs have only LAN IP addresses by default, and are only assigned public IP addresses on an as-needed basis
  • ProxMox needs SSH from WAN, otherwise if pfsense VM crashed, we would be locked out and can't access panel

Terms Glossary


VM hypervisor


Firewall router with VPN access


backend file storage


Dedicated server provider


An open-source VPN system

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