Look and Feel

Name and wordmark

In prose or body text our name is in title case:

  • Hypha Worker Co-operative [when referenced for the first time in body text]
  • Hypha [short form and after initial reference]
  • Hypha Worker Co-operative Inc. [our legal name]

For web or print treatments we uppercase "Hypha":

  • HYPHA Worker Co-operative

We use the following wordmark in online spaces, services, and social media where we represent the organization:

Hypha Wordmark in white on violet background


Our heading typeface is Work Sans and our secondary (body) typeface is Proxima Nova. For the web we prefer using the sans-serif system font stack as our typeface.

Body typeface (web)

font-family: -apple-system, BlinkMacSystemFont, avenir next, avenir, helvetica neue, helvetica, ubuntu, roboto, noto, segoe ui, arial, sans-serif


Hypha colours

Black (X11 Black)


rgb(0, 0, 0);



rgb(119, 119, 119);



rgb(255, 255, 255);

Vivid Violet


rgb(153, 0, 252);

Lime (Web) (X11 Green)


rgb(0, 255, 0);

Preferred icons and emoji

We tend to use the following emoji and iconography:

πŸ„ :mushroom:

🌿 :herb:

🏴 :black_flag: or βš‘ ⚑

πŸ› :bug:

🌱 :seedling:

πŸŽ›οΈ :control_knobs:

🌴 :palm_tree:

🍹 :tropical_drink:

β˜€οΈ :sunny:

πŸ›°οΈ :artificial_satellite:

Assets and templates

Look and feel assets are available in our Public Drive, and include:

  • Wordmark
  • Image bank

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