
Welcome to Hypha! This page is to help those getting situated in our organization.

Onboarding Checklist

This is a checklist for onboarding new members, workers, and contractors to the Co-operative that should be done by the Operations WG. πŸš€

New workers and contractors will provide...

  • Preferred pronouns
  • A permanent and/or mailing address
  • A personal email for communications
  • A google-friendly email address (this could be a prior personal address or a hypha email can be used once set up)
  • A Signal-friendly number
  • A Matrix account (feel free to register on the Toronto Mesh homeserver where Hypha rooms exist)
  • A Github account
  • For members and workers:
    • Their Social Insurance Number (SIN)
    • Completed TD1 and TD1-ON forms

Operations will...

Set up contractor documents

  1. Prepare and provide an Independent Contractor Agreement outlining the service description, contractor relationship, including the Intellectual Property Agreement

Set up employee documents, employee record and payroll

  1. Prepare and provide an Employee Acknowledgement outlining the job description, employment relationship, including the Intellectual Property Agreement

  2. Collect information above and complete employee record

  3. Add member SIN to BitWarden and share access with People Operations group. Change the member access to the entry as read-only, as this information is for recording keeping and the Member should not be able to modify it

  4. Collect encrypted (see Sensitive Data guide) TD1 and TD1-ON forms to Drive

  5. Add member to Clockify and as Employee in Wagepoint for payroll

Set up communications

Google Account

These actions require the Super Admin permission.

Creating a new user

Login to Google Admin

  • On the admin home page click on Add a user
  • Fill in their information
  • Leave the Secondary email and Phone number blank
  • Click on Manage user's password, organizational unit, and profile photo
  • Select Automatically generate a password
  • Click on ADD NEW USER button
  • Copy the password
  • Send a email to the new user using their personal email with instructions to log in using the password above
  • Update the emails document with the new email
  • Add the new user to the everyone group
Google Drive

An admin user of the hyphacoop (Emergency Channel) room needs to add the new employee.

  • Open the Signal app and open the room
  • Open the room setting
  • Click on the Add members button
  • Enter the number or select the contact of the new employee
Matrix (Channels as needed)

If the user already has a Matrix account, they can use their own. If they don't have an account, send a link to our preferred Matrix server (https://chat.tomesh.net) to register. The access token needed to register is hyphaworkercoop.

  • Invite the user to mandatory channels
    • hyphacoop
    • hypha:private-general
  • Invite to other channels as required

If the user needs to be admin in a room and they are on a homeserver other than @tomesh.net only give them a max power of 99. Giving the user a maximum power of 100 will make it impossible to remove the user from the room.


To add users to the repos, someone in the Owner group is needed to invite new Outside collaborators for contractors and Members for employees.

  • Login to GitHub and go to https://github.com/orgs/hyphacoop/people
  • Click the Invite member button
  • In the search box enter their provided GitHub handle and select the user and click Invite
  • Invite to repos as needed
Slack (As needed)

Open the Slack web app and invite using their @hypha.coop email to the Hypha workspace.

Bitwarden (As needed)

These action needs the admin admin user privileges.

  • Login to Bitwarden
  • Click on Organizations on the top menu
  • Click on the Manage tab
  • Click on Invite user button and invite the user with their @hypha.coop email
    • Make sure USER TYPE is set to User
    • Under ACCESS CONTROL select This user can access only the selected collections.
    • Select the collections that the new user should have access to. This can also be modified after the user is created
    • Click save and let the user know about the login instructions

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